Can't access folder with an excel spreadsheet when using Pavlovia (works offline)

So, I used a JS code (code component, before experiment) to assign a random number 1-4 to a variable called grupa. Then, based on that number, assigned string values to variables grupaLista1 and grupaLista2. The only difference was whether they used the Folder1, Folder2, Folder3 or Folder4. In each folder, two spreadsheets were present (always called Lista1.xlsx and Lista2.xlsx). So, based on the random number

var grupa, grupaLista1, grupaLista2
grupa = Math.floor(Math.random()*4 + 1)
if ((grupa === 1)) {
    grupaLista1 = "Folder1\\Lista1.xlsx";
    grupaLista2 = "Folder1\\Lista2.xlsx";
} else {
    if ((grupa === 2)) {
        grupaLista1 = "Folder2\\Lista1.xlsx";
        grupaLista2 = "Folder2\\lLsta2.xlsx";
    } else {
        if ((grupa === 3)) {
            grupaLista1 = "Folder3\\Lista1.xlsx";
            grupaLista2 = "Folder3\\Lista2.xlsx";
        } else {
            if ((grupa === 4)) {
                grupaLista1 = "Folder4\\Lista1.xlsx";
                grupaLista2 = "Folder4\\Lista2.xlsx";

Then, later in the experiment (using the Builder) I use the $grupaLista1 and $grupaLista2 for conditions for two loops.

Now, this of course works perfectly offline. However, once it’s uploaded to Pavlovia, a bug shows up when encountering those loops:
Unfortunately we encountered the following error:

  • when importing condition: Folder4\Lista1.xlsx
  • when getting the value of resource: Folder4\Lista1.xlsx
  • unknown resource
    Try to run the experiment again. If the error persists, contact tje experiment designer.

Use / not \ for file paths online

Unfortunately, it didn’t work. It still returns this message:

Unfortunately we encountered the following error:

  • when importing condition: Folder4/Lista1.xlsx
  • when getting the value of resource: Folder4/Lista1.xlsx
  • unknown resource
    Try to run the experiment again. If the error persists, contact the experiment designer.

Have you attached the resources via Experiment Settings / Online ?