Cannot update Builder using tools

OS (e.g. Win11):
PsychoPy version (2023.2.3):
Standard Standalone? Yes
What are you trying to achieve?: I want to update Builder to the latest version. I’ve curated many preferences, plugins, and packages in my current install, so I would prefer not to start from scratch with a fresh install.

What did you try to make it work?: I’ve tried the auto update, which is met with instructions to check my internet proxy settings. I’m pretty sure I’m not using an internet proxy and don’t know what I should enter as the host and port, as when I follow instructions for finding this in windows, the “Use a proxy server for your LAN” box is not checked.

I also try installing manually using a .zip file. This is met with a permissions error. I tried to bypass this by running builder as admin, but the same message is shown.

Hi There,

If you have been installing plugins through plugin manager I don’t think a fresh install would clear those however @TParsons would know more than me on that!


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Yep I think your preferences and plugins should persist after installing :slight_smile: so long as you installed the plugins and packages through the manager in psychopy - if you installed them manually via command line then they would be overwritten on reinstall.

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