URL of experiment: https://run.pavlovia.org/AgustinSainz/tif/html
Description of the problem:
I have been running my experiment on Pavlovia with no problems. I had some subjects who left the experiment before it was over, as such, I released those credits to be able to run them again with new subjects.
However, I noticed that I have not been receiving results from new subjects, while those credits are being consumed and appearing as reserved even though I currently have 7 assigned credits and cannot seem to be getting the results. Meanwhile I have no access to those results as they appear as reserved Pavlovia is letting me know I have enough credits to run the experiment. I tried to see what was going on by piloting the experiment myself: the experiment works perfectly and once it’s over the following message apears:
Unfortunately, we encountered the following error:
When uploading participant’s results for experiment AgustinSainz/tif
When saving data from a previously opened session on the server
The credit reserved for this session has been released: results cannot be saved
Note: this error appeared to me when I was piloting the experiment again, it works perfectly until the very end
I think the problem has to do with me releasing the credits? Still, I have 7 assigned credits and I do not know what’s going on or how to solve this