For my fMRI experiment, I would like to have a rating window
of a fixed 4s duration, i.e.
- if a response is given in this window, the
component stays active (visual feedback is displayed) for the remaining time, i.e. 4-rt - if no response is given in this window, the component ends and the script
moves on to the next trial
I’ve set the duration property of my rating scale component to 4s, but the scale still awaits a response indefinitely. The maxTime property is of no help, as that just deactivates the component rather than end it. Adding code to force the end of the routine after 4s would not help, as I just want the ratingScale component to end rather than the entire trial routine.
On the other hand, if a response is given, the component ends right then, making the rating window effectively of variable duration, which I do not want.
I’ve defined a blank text component to stay on the screen for 4-ratingScale.rt and thus act as a “buffer” that makes the total duration fixed. But I get the error “AttributeError: ‘RatingScale’ object has no attribute ‘rt’”. If instead of ratingScale.rt I use ratingScale.getRT(), I do get a value, however it does not seem to correspond at all to the RT (i.e. time passed between the scale being displayed and a response being given).
Thanks for any thoughts!