I just downloaded PsychoPy v.2022.1.1 (standard standalone) onto my 13-inch M1 MacBook Pro running OS Monterey 12.2.1 (Memory 16GB). Whenever I tried to run a demo programme or the first Hello World program I created, Python crashed and I came across the following error message. Is there anything I missed in the installation process? Thank you!
-----------ERROR MESSAGE--------------
Running: /Users/alanwong/Personal/PsychoPy/PsychoPy3 Demos/Experiments/navon/NavonTask_lastrun.py
10599.8332 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2022_03_09 22:43’]
2022-03-11 10:57:03.048 python[15356:218591] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to /var/folders/4l/rpj8_2qj7vv7k1nq_f_92kzw0000gn/T/org.opensciencetools.psychopy.savedState
2022-03-11 10:57:08.789 python[15356:218591] TSM AdjustCapsLockLEDForKeyTransitionHandling - _ISSetPhysicalKeyboardCapsLockLED Inhibit
2022-03-11 10:57:14.883 python[15356:218591] Warning: Expected min height of view: (<NSPopoverTouchBarItemButton: 0x7fb0f5ff7100>) to be less than or equal to 30 but got a height of 32.000000. This error will be logged once per view in violation.
2022-03-11 10:57:14.884 python[15356:218591] Warning: Expected min height of view: (<NSButton: 0x7fb0f7419370>) to be less than or equal to 30 but got a height of 32.000000. This error will be logged once per view in violation.
2022-03-11 10:57:14.885 python[15356:218591] Warning: Expected min height of view: (<NSPopoverTouchBarItemButton: 0x7fb0f7419a60>) to be less than or equal to 30 but got a height of 32.000000. This error will be logged once per view in violation.
2022-03-11 10:57:14.886 python[15356:218591] Warning: Expected min height of view: (<NSPopoverTouchBarItemButton: 0x7fb0f741c5a0>) to be less than or equal to 30 but got a height of 32.000000. This error will be logged once per view in violation.
################ Experiment ended with exit code -4 [pid:15356] ################