Sorry for the confusing about the arrow button. The right arrow is the keyboard button ‘→’. And the arrow button on the keyboard use to turn the page. And I use a code in routine.
Yes, I have set end the routine in the Consent_keyResp. And I set it to record all keys this time (it store last key previously), but the arrow button still does not work.
Setting the key to end the routine and setting it to record all keys will not work together. Either you end the routine by pressing a key. Or you record all keys. What do you mean by
The first time, the setting of Consent_keyResp is ‘end the routine’ and ‘record last key’, but it does not work. And I thought I need to set it to ‘record all keys’. So I changed it in the second time, it still does not work.
The routine does not end? The consentslideN does not change? As far as I can tell, you want the participant to be able to move forward and backward through your eight (?) conset-slides? Am I correct?
Yes, you are correct! I want to participant to be able to move forward and backward through my eight conset-slides. But the routine does not end when I press ‘right’ on the keyboard
I changed the setting of Consent_keyResp from ‘record last key’ to ‘‘record all keys’’ in the second time as well as ‘end the routine’. But I know that was wrong thought what you told me. So I changed them to the original setting: ‘end the routine’ and 'record last key.
However, there are other problems with my actual experiment. The inter-trial interval should be 0.3s, but it seems it is 0 when I run it online. Moreover, the screens, including the countdown function, seem to disappear, which uses a code component in the builder.