Beginner guide for PsychoJS (setting up environment for local coding)


I am a relatively beginner to Psychopy in general. I have read the docs and watched some videos about deployment to Pavlovia and it seems deployment through Builder is the easiest way.

However, due to various reasons, our current offline experiment is already developed with coder and we want to explore the option of manual coding in psychoJS for online deployment.

I have searched various resources and websites but have not found any specific guide for PsychoJS, even with how to install/ refer to the packages for local coding. (I have skimmed through their documentation and no instruction on how to set up the environment for coding is given)

Anyone who are experienced with developing PsychoJS manually, can you guys provide some resources for beginner, especially on how to set up packages for coding and also steps for online deployment?

Sorry if this question may seem obvious. I really appreciate any help.

I’m not sure there is anyone experienced with developing PsychoJS manually, at least not someone I’ve seen post on these forums. There are people who program in JavaScript directly, but they tend to use jsPsych, not PsychoJS.

If you commissioned Open Science Tools to make an online version of your existing experiment, we would rebuild it from scratch in PsychoPy Builder, using the original Python code as a reference for unusual aspects.

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