Assigning unique participant numbers in daisy chain (pavlovia survey -> pavlovia)


I have a study where participants first complete a short survey in pavlovia survey followed by a task on pavlovia.

In order to be able to combine datasets, at first I thought to use responseId which is automatically generated by survey. (e.g. β€œ?participant=” + {responseId} )but that did not work (participant variable in pavlovia was always empty then)

I have now switched to to Wakefields vesper tool which creates consecutive numbers. The starting link is below. It does work initially in that a particpant number is defined and used in the survey, but it is not exported to pavlovia (in pavlovia, participant ID is always β€˜false’ now)

completion URL in my survey is

Why is this not working?

Best wishes,

The value for participant is being changed to β€œfalse” by the survey. Do you have anything that might be affecting it, such as a survey question called participant?

yes you were right. I had previously tried something to create a participant ID in the survey on the basis which was still in there. I have created a fresh link test survey and now the participant variable is correctly carried forward from survey to pavlovia task

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