code: Bihter Akyol / attention_exp1 · GitLab
Description of the problem:
I am using the builder and creating stimuli using code components. I need to show some dots and an arrow. The problem is, the dots and the head of the arrow look antialiased in Psychopy but not in the online version. Aliasing gets more noticeable when stimuli are larger, and I am planing to adjust stimulus size to present them in visual angles in the actual experiment, which means I cannot simply use a fixed stimulus size and I do not know how prominent this lack of antialising issue will be for different participants.
The python code of the stimuli as follows:
win=win, name='cue_head', size=1,
vertices=[[-head_size[0] / 2, 0], [head_size[0] / 2, -head_size[1] / 2], [head_size[0] / 2, head_size[1] / 2]],
ori=0, pos=-(rl + rect_size[0] / 2 + head_size[0] / 2),
lineColorSpace='rgb', lineColor=white,
fillColor= white, fillColorSpace='rgb',
opacity=1, interpolate=True))
lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColorSpace='rgb',
fillColor= white,
lineColor= white,
pos = [-300 + (random() - 0.5) * 2 * 100,
0 + (random() - 0.5) * 2 * 100],
This issue applies to the fixation cross when it is rotated (50 degrees, image is not included here), which I created with the predefined stimulus components in psychopy and not with a code component.
I am trying to run the experiment on a mac in Chrome. I tested with Safari too, and the problem persists. The psychopy version is v2020.2.10