Anchoring experiment won't run on pavlovia


I am trying to run an anchoring experiment on pavlovia. While it runs in offline mode, it chrashes on pavolvia.

URL of experiment: (still in piloting mode)

Description of the problem:
The experiment stops with an error message when a participant has to hit the left or right cursor key as a response to a question. An error message pops up saying that a TypeError occurred: event undefinded. See screenshot.


I have no idea what causes the error given that the program runs offline without problems.


Best wishes Jens

Hi Jen,

You probably need to define event as event=psychoJS.eventManager; in code_JS.

Have a look at my crib sheet (see pinned post) for more details.

Best wishes,


Hello wakecater

that solved the problem.

Cheers Jens

Any idea how to resolve the following error?


I guess I have to define a function at the experiment beginning. But I do not know JS.

Cheers Jens

If you look at my Brookes Template experiment you’ll see that I just used a separate line for each possible digit in my Age question.


ok, this help somewhat. I am able to enter digits. However, the experiment runs only one trial. But I don’t get any further. On the second trial, when I am about to enter a digit, an error message pops up. The answer I typed in (“65”) is displayed in the error message below. So I guess I have to clear my answer it but I found no way and place to clear it.


Cheers Jens

At the beginning of the routine you could set your variables to [] (empty list) or 0.


good tip. I tried clearing all variables at routine start but it did not work. The error message I get when running offline is, line 743, in
thisComponent.tStart = None
AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘tStart’
#####Experiment ended.#####

        SchaetzTrialComponents = [InstSchaetz, SchaetzFrage, Antwort]
        for thisComponent in SchaetzTrialComponents:
            thisComponent.tStart = None
            thisComponent.tStop = None
            thisComponent.tStartRefresh = None
            thisComponent.tStopRefresh = None
            if hasattr(thisComponent, 'status'):
                thisComponent.status = NOT_STARTED
        # reset timers

line 743 is thisComponent.tStop = None

I strongly assume that both error message ar related.

Never thought that it is so “difficult” to get typed input :wink:

Cheers Jens


I am a step further in getting typed input online (and offline). The experiment now runs on Pavlovia but to make it really nice it need to record three more keys, the minus-key on the keyboard, the subtract on the numpad and the enter-key on the numpad, online which I can register offline. I assume that I am using the wrong names for the keys (and/or keycodes).

keys = event.getKeys()

if len(keys):
    if 'backspace' in keys:
        text.text = text.text[:-1]
    elif 'return' in keys or 'num_enter' in keys and len(text.text >= 1):
        continueRoutine = False
    elif 'minus' in keys or '-' in keys or 'NumpadSubtract' in keys or 'Minus' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'-'
    elif '1' in keys or 'num_1' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'1'
    elif '2' in keys or 'num_2' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'2'
    elif '3' in keys or 'num_3' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'3'
    elif '4' in keys or 'num_4' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'4'
    elif '5' in keys or 'num_5' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'5'
    elif '6' in keys or 'num_6' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'6'
    elif '7' in keys or 'num_7' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'7'
    elif '8' in keys or 'num_8' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'8'
    elif '9' in keys or 'num_9' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'9'
    elif '0' in keys or 'num_0' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'0'

Suggestions are welcome.

Cheers Jens


I found the problem. First some key-names were wrong. Using a German keyboard it is slash and not minus for the keybod-minus. In addition, the elif-condition ending the routine had an error. So here is the code that finally worked online and offline.

keys = event.getKeys()

if len(keys):
    if 'backspace' in keys:
        text.text = text.text[:-1]
    elif ('return' in keys or 'num_enter' in keys) and text.text != '':
        continueRoutine = False
    elif 'minus' in keys or '-' in keys or 'num_subtract' in keys or 'Minus' in keys or 'slash' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'-'
    elif '1' in keys or 'num_1' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'1'
    elif '2' in keys or 'num_2' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'2'
    elif '3' in keys or 'num_3' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'3'
    elif '4' in keys or 'num_4' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'4'
    elif '5' in keys or 'num_5' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'5'
    elif '6' in keys or 'num_6' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'6'
    elif '7' in keys or 'num_7' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'7'
    elif '8' in keys or 'num_8' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'8'
    elif '9' in keys or 'num_9' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'9'
    elif '0' in keys or 'num_0' in keys:
        text.text = text.text+'0'

Cheers Jens

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