Anaconda installation

when I used Anaconda installation follow the Command from the official website,it said
PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  • pysoundfile
  • libsndfile
    I don’t know how to do next,
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I’m having the same problem. Is there a solution to this?

Do you have conda-forge as one of your channels? If not, add it with
conda config --add channels conda-forge

However, I’ve also had problems installing pysoundfile with conda.

(base) C:\Users\Tim>conda search pysoundfile
Loading channels: done
# Name Version Build Channel
pysoundfile 0.9.0.post1 py_0 conda-forge
pysoundfile 0.10.1 py_0 conda-forge

(base) C:\Users\Tim>conda install pysoundfile
Solving environment: failed

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  • pysoundfile

Current channels:

To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you’re
looking for, navigate to

and use the search bar at the top of the page.

Try installing pysoundfile with pip .