What are you trying to achieve?:
I would like to set up a staircase for blocks of trials, supplied by a .csv file. However, there is no place to reference a file in the staircase loop. Is there a way to set up a staircase for blocks with code snippets?
The user should complete one block of trials in the 1-back loop, then if their score is about 90% they should be moved up to 2-back. Similarly, if their score is worse than 70% in the 2-back section, they should be moved down to 1-back.
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:
I’m not sure how to use the staircase loop for blocks of trials…all of the documentation I have read applies to individual trials. Or maybe there is another kind of logic I can use to allow performance to determine how users move between blocks?
If a field had a dollar sign at the start - you don’t need a second one, so in start value you can just write trialsBlock_1_back rather than $trialsBlock_1_back
I actually don’t think you need a staircase loop for this. You can have a normal inner loop and track accuracy, then calculate accuracy at the end of the block to pick the next block.
Just to check - it’s to converge on a level in an n-back task right?
If so, here is an example n-back task that adjusts depending on performance. It also needs the three excel sheets in the same location as the file - I hope this helps!