Adaption of variables in output/log files

OS (e.g. Win10): Win10
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): PsychoPy 2024.2.1post4
What are you trying to achieve?: I only want to save specific variables from my condition file to the logfile instead of all of them.

What did you try to make it work?:
I know this is more of a “design issue”, not a functional problem or anything like that. I’m currently trying to implement an experiment that we used in presentation beforehand. Therefore, a lot of analysis scripts already exist and I’m trying to have the same output file with the same variable names. I’m also genuinely curious on how these output files are generated since there is no information on it in the generated python script.

It seems that some variables are saved automatically without me being able to change them (no information on them in the generated script), some of which I don’t even understand what they mean (e.g., thisTrailN, thisRepN, trial_loop). This also includes all variables that are in my condition file, some of which I actually do not need (like the name of the video files that I’m presenting each trial). I know I could delete the columns afterwards within my analysis script but is there a way to do it beforehand?

Additionally, I noticed that general information about my experiment (participant no, psychopy version etc.) are saved for each routine in a new row even if I don’t save anything else for that routine (e.g., because I just present my instructions) which leads to a number of unnecessary rows at the beginning of the output file (again: could also delete them at the beginning of data analysis).

If you have any idea about adapting the saved variables in my output file or have any comments about how this file is actually generated, I’d greatly appreciate it!


You can prevent storing some data, such as on- and offset times of routines and components by unchecking the Save onset/offest times.

Best wishes Jens