Windows 10, Version 2020.2.4, Standalone
I want to provide accuracy feedback on the same screen where participants see task stimuli. In my experiment, participants read sentences and judge whether each sentence is meaningful or not. I want participants to see accuracy % change based on the previous response on the same page where a new sentence shows up, rather than having a separate feedback screen. Now I have working code for feedback in the next Routine, how do I incorporate it as a part of the previous routine?
if trials.thisN == 0:
number_correct = 0
if (''.join(key_resp.keys) == str(Operation_answer)):
number_correct = number_correct + 1
msg='Correct! \nScore = %.1f%%' %(number_correct*100/trials.nTotal)
msgColor = 'green'
msg='Oops! That was wrong \nScore = %.1f%%' %(number_correct*100/trials.nTotal)
msgColor = 'red'