Use this category to get and give advice on creating experiments in Builder.
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Use this category to get and give advice on creating experiments in Builder.
If you know the answer to someone else’s post then do get in there and help them out! You get badges and they earn you… well badges, man!
Hello. Thank you for the availability of this useful platform. So I am building up an experiment on the builder that i then want to move online. It is a visual search task which involved the presentation of 8 different stimuli (i.e. jpg images of different fruits). In this task there are 7 distractors and 1 target. However, the target varies each time in the sense that the target will be an apple on 70% of the trials, an orange 20% of trials and a banana 10% of trials. The identity of the 3 different targets stays the same for every participant (for a specific subject, an apple will be the most frequently presented one, the orange the middle presented and the banana the least often presented). But this should vary between participants in the sense that while for one subject orange, apple and banana are the three possible targets, for another subject any other 3 (out of the 8) total images can be the targets. So what is a distractor fruit image for one participant might be a target fruit image for another. I hope that makes sense.
How could I do that on the Builder? I started trying out different things by importing creating a loop and importing an excel file but i do not know how to make the targets/distractors vary between subjects.
Thank you in advance
Hi I am new to this. I am trying to build an experiment in the builder so I can then run it in Pavlovia.
The task is the game “Tower of Hanoi”. It is a task in which there are disks of different sizes that the participant has to move from column 1 to column 3 in order from the largest to the smallest size.
The aim of the game is to use the three columns to sort the last column from largest to smallest.
How can I do that in the Builder? I started trying different imported scripts I’ve found, but I don’t know how to make it work.
Thanks in advance
Hi I am new to Psychopy and I have never worked with Python before.
I am struggling to get a certain if…then function into my builder. I already created different Excel files with stimuli (my stimuli are word pairs; a cue word + a target word). For the Test-Feedback phase, participants will be shown a cue word and have to say the associated target word. The correct target word will pop-up after 4 seconds to remind them of the correct target word. I managed to add a key-press option, so if they say the right target word I press ‘1’ and if they do not I press ‘2’.
I want that after all word pairs are shown once, the word pairs that are not correctly remembered will be shown again while the other word pairs that are correctly remembered are left out. Do you know how to do this?
And do you know how I can add a time frame to this? (I want people to learn all word pairs with 100% within 10 minutes, if not they have to stop the test and cannot continue)
Sorry for the huge story. And thank you in advance for your help!
Kind regards, Sanne