403 Forbidden error

I keep getting a 403 Forbidden error when I try and pilot or run my experiment, I have tried changing it to inactive and even creating a new experiment but neither seem to work. Has anyone else had this issue?


There are 21 results when I search the forum for 403 Forbidden error

Do any of the specifics of these posts resonate with you? Have you tried these solutions? I haven’t put a solution in my crib sheet yet because I’m not sure of the range of causes.

Best wishes,



Hello @amill66,

Could you tell me what is the path of your experiment?


Here’s the URL! https://run.pavlovia.org/amill99/dare

Hello @amill66,

It does not appear that you have any experiment on pavlovia, as a matter of fact.
But perhaps you deleted it?


Hi all,

I am having the same error when I try to launch my experiment online.
I have a license and credits.
Below my link. I have made it active and inactive again but without success…
