Why does surveys add "block_1" to the data?

I am not sure if I changed something or maybe surveys has been updated but now all my columns in a questionnaire start with block_1/. Can I turn this off?

This issue is that Pavlovia Surveys deals with multi-block designs by effectively having each block as a separate survey in a survey flow. The issue is that question names aren’t forced to be unique across blocks so, to avoid data loss, the block name is prepended to the question name.

You could try turning this off by switching your survey to the pre-block version (2024.1.0) on your overview page.

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Version 2024.1.0 does seem to work in the sense that I don’t have the unwanted block_1/ anymore but I am unable to make this change permanent. When I select Version 2024.1.0 and refresh the survey it just goes back to Version 2024.2.0, which I by the way never the selected anyway. The survey must have automatically switched versions, which I think is problematic.

Edit: So far it seems to work if I just use the corresponding link https://run.pavlovia.org/pavlovia/survey-2024.1.0/?surveyId=XXXX. I will keep everyone updates if that methods stops working.

The only effect of changing the version is to change that link.

If you have multiple blocks then the 2024.1.0 link might fail.