When setting the image of ImageStim - unknown resource

URL of experiment: Text [PsychoPy]

Description of the problem:

The experiment is running local smoothly but online I always get following error:

Unfortunately we encountered the following error:

when setting the image of ImageStim: start_button
when getting the value of resource: start_button.jpg
unknown resource

I have checked already all the different solutions, checked path names, uploaded resources manually via the resource tap, added a resource component, checked gitlab files, inserted the JS code to load the image at the beginning of the experiment…

Nothing worked so far. I would highly appreciate ideas.

Have you used Experiment Settings / Online / Additional Resources?

yes, I have tried but it did not work.

Are you looking at the latest version of the code?


Yes, I also tried this. I still face the error. Could you check my code? It is a public experiment.
thank you so much for your help