Use keyboard with RatingScale

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OS: Win7
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.83.04):
**Standard Standalone? yes
**What are you trying to achieve?:

I have a rating scale on the screen, with category choices yes/no, and the participant uses the mouse to choose “yes” or “no” with a single click. The rating scale stays on the screen for 4 seconds, and only the first reponse should be recorded, even if the participants has changed his mind and pressed the different button when the component is still on the screen. Now I need to disable the mouse and use the keyboard, allowing either “1” or “2” to be pressed, with “1” for ‘yes’, and “2” for ‘no’. At the same time, I want the marker to appear on the choice the participant has made (if the participant presses ‘1’, the marker is supposed to jump to “yes” label on the left, and if the participant presses ‘2’, the marker is supposed to jump to “no” label on the right.
I cannot figure out what code should be in the CUSTOM tab of the rating scale component to change the mouse for key responses…

In case anyone needs:

low=1, high=4, scale=None, labels=[‘1’,‘2’,‘3’,‘4’], singleClick=True, marker=‘triangle’, markerStart=2.5, noMouse=True, respKeys=[‘1’,‘2’,‘3’,‘4’]

choices=[‘si’, ‘no’], scale=None, labels=[‘si’,‘no’], singleClick=True, marker=‘triangle’, markerStart=0.5, noMouse=True, respKeys=[‘1’,‘2’]

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