URL of experiment: WTP_SM_Choice_legacy [PsychoPy]
Description of the problem:
We just launched the above task for participants to complete, but upon running the last batch of 9 participants, we discovered that for three of them, none of their data files had been saved. We have not made any changes to the task script. We ask our participants to run this task on Google Chrome and when our task ends, they are automatically redirected to a Qualtrics survey. All were redirected to Qualtrics with no other issues.
(note if you run the task: you need a participant file to run, so the task will run under my test folder called “101”)
Any ideas on what could be causing this? Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
Do you have any code in End Experiment?
Are you letting the experiment end naturally or does the participant need to press escape / use core.quit()?
Thank you for your quick reply! The task ends naturally at the very end, and then they are immediately directed to Qualtrics.
Do you also have the Qualtrics link in Incomplete URL?
To be honest, im not sure what incomplete URL is but we use the following code to set up the redirect if this gets at your question:
var weblink;
weblink = `https://adelphiderner.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2bF7lXuTQzoEIGq?PROLIFIC_PID=${expInfo["participant"]}`;
Your code is the problem.
I’ve just ended up at the Qualtrics when I cancelled the experiment.
To redirect to Qualtrics go to Experiment Settings / Online in Builder and use
$'https://adelphiderner.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2bF7lXuTQzoEIGq?PROLIFIC_PID=' + expInfo['participant']
I don’t think you are missing any data.
(I’m guessing that your participants are coming in with ${ } around them)
[quote=“melanieziur, post:11, topic:39619, full:true”]
So is the problem that the code we’re currently using does not allow enough time for the data to save while being redirected?
If we’re not missing data, where could they be found? I tried downloading the results via the Homepage “Download results” tab and I still only get two data files (i misspoke in my initial post-- only five have completed this part thusfar, only two datafiles are in the repository as of right now)
The participants aren’t coming in with ${ } around them