URGENT! How to save to the datafile what image was shown at the time of spacebar press

I’m programming a RT task in Psychopy Coder, where I show different images within one trial.
A trial looks like this:

  • the trial lasts 15 s or until spacebar is pressed;
  • within those 15 s, 25 different images are shown, with blips in between to distract the participant.
  • RT is the time of the spacebar press

My question is: how do I save to my datafile, what picture was shown at the time of the spacebar press? The relevant part of my code looks like this:

pict1 = []
img1 = u'Stimuli/vormstimuli/vorm%s.png' % str(i)
pict1.append(visual.ImageStim(win, image=img1, units = 'pix', size = (wi,he)))    # folder containing the 25 pictures

nrimages = 25
nr2 = nrimages - 1
i = i +1
j = math.ceil(i/2)

                   if i%2 == 0:
                            msg.draw()       # this is the blip
                        if j <= nrimages:   # here the 25 different images are shown
                            pict_index = j-1
                            pict_index = nr2
                    #check response
                    timeold = trialClock.getTime() # to get the initial time
                    key_resp.keys = []
                    _key_resp_allKeys = []
                    stoppen = 0
                    while stoppen == 0:
                        theseKeys = key_resp.getKeys(keyList=['space'], waitRelease=False)
                        timenow = trialClock.getTime()
                        timediff = timenow - timeold
                        if timediff>duurBlip :
                            stoppen = 1
                        if theseKeys:
                            key_resp.keys = _key_resp_allKeys[-1].name  # just the last key pressed
                            gereageerd = 1
                            stoppen = 1

fp.write('%d %d \n' % (nrimages, gereageerd)

So, pict1.[pict_index] contains a string of 25 images. So, I want to store what pict1_index was shown at the time of the spacebar press.

I would be forever grateful for your help!

                    if theseKeys:
                        key_resp.keys = _key_resp_allKeys[-1].name  # just the last key pressed
                        gereageerd = 1
                        stoppen = 1
                        resp_pict = pict_index # or pict1[pict_index] if you want the name

You just need to save resp_pict somewhere. Everything is still in scope, and the image won’t update during the response while loop.

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thank you so much! it worked :slight_smile: