Unknown resource error: Pavlovia not reading list index of images

URL of experiment: https://gitlab.pavlovia.org/DASLab/social_5800

Description of the problem: I am trying to create a task where participants are given conditional correct feedback with the presentation of one of three images. I have created a list of the images in the Begin Experiment tab, shuffle the list in Begin Routine, and based on some feedback logic, set the opacity of the image to either 1 or 0. This runs totally fine in PsychoPy, but I get an unknown resource error in Pavlovia

Screen Shot 2020-06-19 at 10.09.00 AM

Here is my JS code:

#Begin experiment
Reward = [0, 1];
imgList = ["Stimuli/Star.jpg", "Stimuli/Wow.jpg", "Stimuli/Wonderful.jpg"];

#Begin routine

if (m_v.corr == 1) {
    Reward = 1;
    rewardCounter += 1;
    psychoJS.experiment.addData("RewardCounter", rewardCounter);
else {
    Reward = 0;

if (m_v.keys == null || rewardCounter > 40 || Reward == 0) {
    social_reward.opacity = 0.0;
    psychoJS.experiment.addData("Did_Reward", 0);
    psychoJS.experiment.addData("Big_Reward", 0);
    psychoJS.experiment.addData("Lil_Reward", 0);
else if (Reward == 1 && m_v.keys == "m" && MV == "m" && Math.random() > 0.25) {
        social_reward.opacity = 1.0;
        psychoJS.experiment.addData("Did_Reward", 1);
        psychoJS.experiment.addData("Big_Reward", 0);
        psychoJS.experiment.addData("Lil_Reward", 1);
else if (Reward == 1 && m_v.keys == "v" && MV == "v" && Math.random() > 0.75) {
            social_reward.opacity = 1.0;
            psychoJS.experiment.addData("Did_Reward", 1);
            psychoJS.experiment.addData("Big_Reward", 1);
            psychoJS.experiment.addData("Lil_Reward", 0);
else {
    social_reward.opacity = 0.0;
    psychoJS.experiment.addData("Did_Reward", 0);
    psychoJS.experiment.addData("Big_Reward", 0);
    psychoJS.experiment.addData("Lil_Reward", 0);

And here is what I have my image properties set to:

The images weren’t uploaded to the resource folder when I committed this file the first time, so I copy and saved them from my original Stimuli folder. Unfortunately I still get this error.


Is your code component above or below your image component?

You can add print(var) (which translates to console.log(var); ) to check the value of a variable var at a particular point.

I would check imgList[0] just before the error

My code component is below the image.

I have the trial and feedback components in different routines, so I placed


in the Begin Routine tab. I’m unfamiliar with the print function and did not see any changes to the task or any way to check the value of the variable. I must be missing something, apologies for the simple question

I’m on my phone. Please search the forum for crib sheet to find a link. You need the JS equivalent of print which will go to the console (see crib sheet)

Sorry I should have clarified, the auto->JS function translated it to console.log (imgList[0]) and I’m still unable to check the status of the variable.

Why? Did you look at the console?

Ah I understand now. I checked the console in the “Info” tab, and it looks like one of the three images that is supposed to appear is set as the variable. Here is a screenshot for reference (the image is called “Stimuli/Star.jpg”):

and here is a screenshot of the same error in the console:

It looks like there’s an issue with the mask setting (under advanced). I know that mask can be an issue so try removing anything from that box.

I left the mask box blank and set it to every repeat, but still no luck :frowning:. I took a look at the JS script and it looks like the image is undefined in the Initialize Components part of the code, which might be the cause of the error? Like I said earlier, the image list is placed under the image but I have it in the “Begin Experiment” tab. I’m a little confused because of the mask error coming up, if it was a problem with the image being undefined shouldn’t that be indicated in the error?

I tried deleting the experiment on Pavlovia and re-uploading it with no success, but here is the new study URL: https://gitlab.pavlovia.org/DASLab/social_5800

Thanks so much for keeping up with this thread and answering my questions!

Just wanted to post here again to see if anyone else has had a similar issue. I removed the mask field from all my images in my study with no luck. I have also set mask to “constant” but have tried changing it to “set every repeat” and “set every frame”.

This appeared to be a browser issue! I was working in Incognito mode while I was received these errors, and when I ran it in regular Chrome I achieved the desired outcome.