Unknown position units: undefined message

URL of experiment: 3Dim [PsychoPy]

Description of the problem: For the last part of my experiment, the task is that when subjects click any two stimulus, the position of these two stimulus changed. And it can work correctly on my own computer, but it shows error ’ unknown position units: undefined’. I think I define units as height. I use control + shift + i to see the error message, and the error message is on PsychoJS.js:803 and log4javascript.js:148 files. I don’t know what is these files, and I don’t know how to change my code to fix it. I paste part of my javascript code below,

if ((clicked_stimuli.length === 2)) {
        let stim1, stim2;
        [stim1, stim2] = function () {
        var _pj_a = [], _pj_b = [A1_ex2, A2_ex2, B1_ex2, B2_ex2, C1_ex2, C2_ex2, black_1, black_2, black_3];
        for (var _pj_c = 0, _pj_d = _pj_b.length; (_pj_c < _pj_d); _pj_c += 1) {
            var s = _pj_b[_pj_c];
            if (_pj.in_es6(s.name, clicked_stimuli)) {
        return _pj_a;

        // Swap positions
        let tempPos = stim1.pos();
        stim1.pos = stim2.pos();
        stim2.pos = tempPos;

        // Reset clicked stimuli
        clicked_stimuli = [];

        // Delay
        setTimeout(function() {
            // Resetting borders
            A1_border = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];
            A2_border = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];
            B1_border = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];
            B2_border = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];
            C1_border = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];
            C2_border = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];
            Dim1_border = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];
            Dim2_border = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];
            Dim3_border = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];

            // Color and border change based on conditions
            if (ex_outline1.contains(black_1.pos)) {
                black_1_color = [0.0745, 0.35, 0.0745];
                black_1_border = [0, 0, 0];
            } else {
                black_1_color = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];
                black_1_border = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];

            if (ex_outline1.contains(black_2.pos)) {
                black_2_color = [0.0745, 0.35, 0.0745];
                black_2_border = [0, 0, 0];
            } else {
                black_2_color = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];
                black_2_border = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];

            if (ex_outline1.contains(black_3.pos)) {
                black_3_color = [0.0745, 0.35, 0.0745];
                black_3_border = [0, 0, 0];
            } else {
                black_3_color = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];
                black_3_border = [(- 1), (- 1), (- 1)];
        }, 500); // Delay for 500 milliseconds
    if (
    (bl1.pos[0] === -0.295 && bl1.pos[1] === 0.17) &&
    (bl2.pos[0] === -0.08 && bl2.pos[1] === -0.205) &&
    (bl3.pos[0] === -0.52 && bl3.pos[1] === -0.215)) {
        if_press5 = 0;
    } else {
        if_press5 = 1;
        ex_space_text2 = "Press space to continue";