Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string

Hi there,

I’m trying to pilot an experiment online and it won’t go past the initialising screen. I’m encountering this error /AEP/j11/JPN_V1.js:238 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string corresponding to:

psychoJS.experiment.dataFileName = ((“.” + “/”) + (u’data/%s_%s_%s’ % [expInfo[‘参加者の ID: (名前の最初の文字)+(姓の最初の文字)+(電話番号の最後の4桁) 例: 名前 : 大阪花子 (Hanako Osaka),\u3000電話番号: 06-1331-1092 => ID: HO1092’], expName, expInfo[‘date’]]));

Can you spot the error? Thank you

Hi There,

It looks like the issue is occuring in the custom data filename field, I suspect this field might not be expecting Japanese characters. what happens if you try without the Characters?
