URLs of experiments:
Description of the problem:
The above 3 experiments all have trouble running online. All work fine locally.
The first one is a questionnaire, but hardcoded through text components, and worked fine until 1.5 week ago. Now, it quits unexpectedly in the middle of running (but at variable times) and the page freezes completely. This seems to happen only in Safari, as I’ve tried Chrome too and there it works. It gives no error message in Safari.
The second one is the PsychoPy3 mental rotation demo. This also works fine locally, but on Pavlovia only opens a gray screen, which also freezes. I would like to use the demo’s format to tweak and further develop my own mental rotation experiment, but I want to get to know how to make it work online first as we’ll be testing participants online only. This also shows no error messages in Safari, but in Chrome we got:
The third one is the same questionnaire as experiment 1, but I made it anew using the new form components in hopes of having less issues screen-wise (i.e. using different screen sizes with online testing, which was a problem before even with only using height units) or otherwise. Unfortunately, when running this one on Pavlovia, all that shows up is the end page - somehow it completely skips past the form routines. (Does it being a novel feature have anything to do with it not going online?)
Any help would be much appreciated as we’re trying to build some experiments this month all of which we want to start running online from Pavlovia starting September. Sadly, somehow everything I try seems to end up being problematic in a different way.
For all experiments, when I try to sync it to gitlab again after some trial-and-error edits, it very often hangs on “Synchronizing…” in builder, and the only thing to do is to delete the whole project from gitlab and sync from scratch, which doesn’t feel like an elegant solution.
As the https://run.pavlovia.org/cc99/imagerystudy/html/ experiment worked fine at first, I thought this was a change-at-server issue, but now that nothing works I’m not so sure anymore.
Thanks so much in advance for any tips and help!