TypeError: __str__ returned non-string (type NoneType), Error interferes with building html-export js-File

@amaschmi Your post is no longer about the title of this thread. In general you should then open a different thread to discuss your topic. But from your post I think it’s most likely just that PsychoPy doesn’t know to send the file resources/puzzled_small.png to participant computers so it doesn’t show up for them. When resources (images, sounds etc) are declared in conditions files then PsychoPy can auto-detect them and add the to a list of required resources but when they are defined by a code component (or by combining a string with a variable) you need to explicitly tell the experiment these are needed:

  • In Experiment Settings go to the Online tab
  • you’ll find an option for adding extra resource files there

I think that’s the issue with using "folder/" + filenameVariable too