Trigger with usb-parallele port adaptater

You could also use a USB2TTL8.

Sending an 8 bit digital output is pretty easy to do:

import serial

#Open connection to USB2TTL8 USB serial 
s = serial.Serial('/dev/cu.usbmodem1234567', baudrate=128000, timeout=0.01)

# Toggle TTL output to 255 for 5000 usec and then goto 0
s.write(b'WRITE 255 5000 0\n')

# or another example....

# Set digital output to 64 while stimulus is being drawn
# and to 128 while flip() is blocking
s.write(b'WRITE 64\n')
# draw stim
s.write(b'WRITE 128\n')
s.write(b'WRITE 0\n')

Disclaimer: I make the USB2TTL8 so I am biased. :wink:

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