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Just sharing a tip!
- Usually, we want to take some record of participants’ ages, but there are a few potential problems:
- If we ask for their date-of-birth, they could be identified, which creates potential problems with privacy, GDPR, etc.
- We could just ask for the year-of-birth to avoid identification. But, often undergraduates will participate and there will be little variability in their year-of-birth. This means that if we express the mean age with a decimal point (e.g., 20.35 years), were giving the impression of a greater level of resolution than is true. It also means that parametric tests (e.g., a Pearson correlation between age and an experimental variable) are probably illegitimate.
- The mid-point, which seems to avoid all of these problems, is to ask for only month and year of birth, but not date.
- If we ask participants to enter their month and year of birth in the Experimental Info section, we’ll end up with a format that isn’t immediately useful. We’ll need to work out the age in fractional years, based on the date that data were collected.
- This recipe adds a decimal format age, at the time of the experiment…
In Experimental Info
Month of birth
['1', '2', '3', '4', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12']
Year of birth (e.g. 2001)
* ['Female','Male']
- The text in square brackets forms a drop-down menu when the participant runs.
- I didn’t use a drop-down menu for the year-of-birth because it was potentially too long. They just enter the text, e.g., 2001.
- I included sex, too.
- When I used a raw text field, people used a mixture of upper- and lower case, which were all interpreted by my stats app as different levels of sex.
- Using a drop-down menu avoids
Add a Code Component in a Routine, before the experiment starts properly…
Before Experiment import datetime
- This gets the current date and time, which is used to work out how old the participant was when the data were collected.
Begin Experiment
# Calculate number of days old based on month & year of birth and today's date.
# Establish the variables...
# Variable declaration with dummy values.
MoB = ''
YoB = ''
DoB = ''
Today = ''
Age = ''
# Calculation
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56192936/how-do-i-calculate-year-fraction-from-datetime-objects-in-python
MoB = int(expInfo['Month of birth'])
YoB = int(expInfo['Year of birth (e.g. 2001)'])
DoB = datetime.datetime(YoB, MoB,15) #average month is 30.4 days :. 15 is midpoint.
Today = datetime.datetime.now()
delta = Today - DoB
delta_fraction = delta.days/365.25
Age = (round(delta_fraction,2))
This works out the participant’s age in decimal year units.
It makes various assumptions about average year length, etc.
So far, this will create the age but it won’t be visible.
- I used a Code Component at the “Begin Routine” tab to include the age. This was in a section of the experiment that I was recording data from. So whenever a row was added to the output file, the age was included too:
thisExp.addData('Age',Age) # add participant's AGE to output file.