Timed questions on Pavlovia Survey

Hi everyone,

Is there a way to set a timer in a question on Pavlovia survey?

As part of my research, I need participants to respond to an arithmetic fluency task. On Qualtrics, I created a block with text entry questions for each arithmetic problem and set a timer that move participants to next block after two minutes.

Thank you.


Yes, timers already work in Pavlovia surveys. You can set timer information on the survey settings and for each page. Here’s a demo:


On page 1 I put 20 in “Time limit to finish the page (in seconds)” and changed Navigation button visibility to Hidden.

For the overall survey I’ve put the timer location to Top and the Timer mode to Page.

It worked!
Thanks a million!


Do you know if there is a way to change the timer text from English to another one? I can’t find it.

Thanks in advance,