Time Marker: issues in extracting time points, and synchronizing 2 software

I’m very new with PsychoPy and planning to do a project for my Neuroprofiling internship :slightly_smiling_face:
In the big picture, the goal is to create an automatic time marker between stimulus presentation and EEG data acquisition software.

I’m doing an experiment by the builder with this scenario:
playing several pre-recorded questions,
and the subject is going to answer the questions,
then the subject will press ‘ space ’ when the answer is finished.
Luckily, the scenario has been set up quite well.

However, I need to create 3 time-marker…
when the question is started,
when the question is finished, and
when the space bar is pressed.
and here are the issues that I’m confused

1. how can I extract these 3 points of time-marker?
I found out the result of the data doesn’t have the time when the sound is finished.
and I am not sure in what unit this data is? is it in second or frame number? and I am concern about when is the “time=0” in this case? is it started from the routine or from the first time when the program is running?

2. If I used another software for EEG data acquisition (e.g emotivPRO or BCI2000), I hope to synchronize these time-markers to the recorded EEG signal. Since it is separated software, I’m concerned whether the time-marker is having the same exact
"time=0" or I better extract the real-time data (like the exact time when the stimulus are presented) as the marker?

I’ve read several issues and post replies in order to find some solutions.

Since I need to finish this as soon as possible, I heartily hope I can get further learning from this public forum.

Thanks a lot
Look forward to hearing from any of the helping hands in the forum.

Best regards,

Win10 and PsychoPy3 2020.1.3
loopQuestion1.xlsx is the excel file I use for the looping
stimulusPresentation.psyexp is the experiment file

some screen captures and uploaded file



result of the data

loopQuestion1.xlsx (15.3 KB) stimulusPresentation.psyexp (19.2 KB)