thisExp.addData not working for code component in Pavlovia

Dear all,

We are trying to save some variables (defined by us) to a personalized output file in the online version of Psychopy (Pavlovia).

In the offline version, we could simply use thisExp.addData() to achieve this. But when we put this in the corresponding JS block for the online Pavlovia version, it gives the error:

ReferenceError: thisExp is not defined

Could someone let us know if there’s an alternative way to save data in Pavlovia?


@katsuragiai, you would instead use:

psychoJS.experiment.addData('columnName', variable)


is there the opposite for this, to stop the output containing certain data? so it default captures my practice routine data and i do not need it, so is there a code component i can use to stop this? I am building using the most recent psychopy builder and syncing to run experiments in pavlovia.