At Begin Experiment, I am initialising two variables through the coder.
I select a random number between 1 and 50, then I paste a string at the end of it, and I would like to save these two variables.
# Select a random number between 1 and 50
selected_number = str(randint(1,51))
# Assign the selected number to the corresponding Excel file
current_file_code = selected_number+".xlsx"
# save the codes as a variables
thisExp.addData('current_file_code', current_file_code)
thisExp.addData('selected_number', selected_number)
I am currently coding as ‘Auto->JS’, and I can see that “thisExp.addData” is correctly translated to “psychoJS.experiment.addData” in the JS column.
(I also tried to type into a JS coder with ‘psychoJS.experiment.addData’, and it still did not work!)
When running the experiment in PsychoPy, I have no issues with saving this variable.
However, it seems to give some issues when uploaded to Pavlovia.
Later in the experiment I have two similar variables being correctly initialised and saved (also coded in 'Auto->JS):
thisExp.addData('incorrectResp', keyStim_preRND_1.keys)
thisExp.addData('incorrectResp.rt', keyStim_preRND_1.rt)
Can anyone tell me, how I can save these new variables in Pavlovia?
Thanks in advance
Phil :))