Description of the problem:
The experiment works properly, but when downloading data from the server, the folder is always empty. I have it turned on to collect partial data. I also have made sure to edit the index.html file to allow psychoJS to connect to pavlovia properly, as shown here Pavlovia. It appears that experiment runs are being recorded, as demonstrated by this screenshot.
Have you tried completing the experiment yourself, to check that the data saving works?
Collecting partial data doesn’t work if, for example, the tab is closed too quickly.
Yes, I’ve completed the entire experiment and also tested with a dummy program (which is much smaller and simpler) and in all cases, the data folder comes out empty.
Are you seeing the “Thank you for your patience “ message with a green bar?
Does your experiment have any loops?
Please could you show a screenshot of a component or code that saves data.
Are you using PsychoPy Builder or jsPsych?
Yes, I see the message “Thank you for your patience” with a green bar.
Yes, my experiment has many loops, but only the innermost loops are counted as trials.
This image should be the component that saves the data (I am new to JavaScript, so I could be misunderstanding. This was automatically added when compiling from blocks to PsychoJS.)
I used the builder for the majority of the program, but used jsPsych for some finishing touches (such as instant feedback in practice trials)