OS (e.g. Win10):
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): PsychoPy3-2020.2.8-win64
Standard Standalone? (y/n) If not then what?:y
What are you trying to achieve?:
Hi! everyone! I’m here again with another question. it seems like that when I add one more routine (e.g., r4_recg2) in an loop, the experiment won’t start at all, and there is no Error report, all the message the “Experiment Runner” gave is
"##### Experiment ended. #####
Experiment ended. #####".
At first, I thought it might be something wrong with my code in the code component, so I check, no problem. then I delete an existing routine (e.g., r4_recg1), and add another routine (r4_recg2), the experiment can run again.
To be noticed, there are a lot of routines in my flow, and many routines have code components, and the code are very long, like hundres of lines. I’m wodering if there are some capacity limits of routines or line of codes in Psychopy.
I also made another try, I added 2 simple test routine which only have simple text components instead of the components which had like three hundred lines of code (e.g., r4_recg1 or r4_recg2), then the experiment also can work.
It’s very confusing to me, and I need to solve this problem as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks a lot! I appreaciate very much!
by the way, I just tried the experiment in MacPro(macOS Mojave version 10.14) Psychopy v2020.2.4. there is no such problem at all, the two rotuines can exist together and the experiment runs very well. So why it didn’t work in win10 PsychoPy3-2020.2.8-win64?
I also tried on win10 PsychoPy3-2020.2.4-win64, didn’t work either.
I tried another way, I cut this loop (the 4th run) from the existing flow to make it an independent experiment, then it works fine, so it seems like there is some capacity limit of psychopy, but I don’t know why because the manual of Psychopy says that the number of routine is unlimited.
I still hope the 4 runs can be in the same experiment instead of split them. So is there any good advice?