Syncing with a Builder experiment from Coder View


Yes so the general best practice is:

  1. create exp in builder using builder view
  2. push to pavlovia, if you encounter an error open developer tools to see where in the compiled .js code the error is occuring.
  3. make edits in your builder experiment rather than the code (e.g. from looking at the line in my .js file I see an issue with setting the position of a stimulus, I then go to my builder and change where I set the position)

The idea is that you never directly change any of your code files. (if you make an edit you your .js file, then click sync from your builder, builder will by defualt make a new .js file on the save anyway, so save over your changes. You could change this in your experiment settings in the ‘online’ tab through setting export html to ‘manual’ rather than ‘on sync’). You might sometimes see on the forum people discussing making edits to ‘code’ for online use, this will usually refer to edits in code components where you add snippets of custom code to your builder experiment, rather than the compiled .js script.

Hope this helps,

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