I have tried to sync my experiment to pavlovia and came across this error. FileNotFoundError: [WinError 206] The filename or extension is too long
, occurs because Windows has a maximum path length of 260 characters, including the filename and extension. This error happens when a file path exceeds that limit. Although it uploads, it wont run or pilot. If anyone could help, that would be great.
Can you do anything to shorten your path? My experiments are all in subfolders of C:\Users\morys\Documents\Pavlovia
I have shortened the file now. I try to sync it. It uploads to pavlovia. I still cant seem to pilot or run the experiment. I don’t get an error message though the psychopy runner tab says it is “pushing to pavlovia for the first time” and continues to load. It also says it is “not responding” and before i close it, it says “python is not responding”.
Does it have a lot of large files?