URL of experiment: Sign in · GitLab Pavlovia
Description of the problem:
After converting my images from .bmp files to .png files to speed up download, I got the following error:
Unfortunately we encountered the following error:
- when setting the image of ImageStim: stimulus_2
- the argument: ImageStim( name=image, win=Window( name=Window, fullscr=true, color=#ffffff, ~), autoDraw=null, autoLog=true, units=height, ori=null, opacity=1, pos=[0,0.2], size=[0.8,0.6], image={}, mask=undefined, color=#ffffff, contrast=1, texRes=128, interpolate=true, depth=-2, flipHoriz=null, flipVert=null ) is not an image" }
I tried creating a new conditions file as suggested here: Error in online experiment - #6 by dvbridges and got the same error. This was the first practice round, so I removed it and tested with just the second and third practices, and received the same error for the ImageStim on those. I have other .png files in the experiment (and in others) and they work just fine.
What is causing the error here? Thank you in advance.