I’ve just started using PsychoPy and I’ve tried to flip text and a grating, both of which appear broken up with green line/areas.
Anyone know how to fix this?
I’m using PyCharm and I get these error messages, not sure if related:
C:\Users\ra150\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\pyglet\media\codecs\wmf.py:838: UserWarning: [WinError -2147417850] Cannot change thread mode after it is set
C:\Users\ra150\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\pyglet\image\codecs\wic.py:292: UserWarning: [WinError -2147417850] Cannot change thread mode after it is set
The only progress I’ve made is that if I specify winType in .Window as ‘glfw’ then the green lines disappear and everything looks normal, but then the window closes for other errors.
Sorry, I have no ideas about this. Not problem I’ve seen before. You’re using your own installation by the looks of it and a version of Python (3.8) that I haven’t used (probably with a version of pyglet I haven’t tred as well) so my guess it that there’s a problem with one of those things but I really couldn’t offer any explanation as to what.
Thanks for weighing in Jon.
I’ve tried the standalone PsychoPy software as well as using PyCharm and rolling back versions of PsychoPy, pyglet and using Python versions 3.6 -> 3.9. All with the same results.
Any incompatibilities with certain graphics cards that you’re aware of? I’m using Intel® UHD Graphics and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti.
Hmm, that’s the weirdest thing. No, those two graphics cards are both in pretty wide use and I’ve never heard of anyone else having this issue. Does it definitely happen with both cards though?
I’m afraid I don’t really have any suggestions. @mdc knows more about opengl than me and might have some insight into what could cause this artefact.
Not sure at all what’s causing this. Makes less sense given the hardware is common and no one else reported these issues before. I think these might be driver side issues though.