URL of experiment: Pavlovia
Description of the problem: Sliders that work perfectly locally break when moved to pilot online. Created on version 3.0.6, then remade on 2021.1.2.
The ticks do not appear, instead there is a single line that does not align with the labels, making judgements not possible.
With a range, a judgement can be made, but not with any accuracy:
With a choice, it is not possible at all:
I have fiddled with the appearance etc (e.g. triangle markers), but without success.
Any advice?
Thanks for your help!
The fix for this is in my crib sheet.
Add experimentInit(); to the End Routine tab of code_JS (or possibly later if your routine containing code_JS doesn’t have a duration). sijiazhao
Thank you so much for the quick reply.
That creates a reasonable fix, which is great because I’m pressed for time.
However two problems remain:
- the pointers are still the red bars rather than the more understandable arrows
- It won’t work for and binary sliders
These are niche problems, but people with better skills than me may be able to tackle them!
I tick triangle markers, so I don’t see sliders like your screenshots.