Simple Beginner's Question: How to Clone a Pavlovia Demo

I am just starting out, so I forked the demo stoop project in Pavlovia. I tried to then clone it from my forked gitlab project using git clone It then asked me for “’s password:”. I am guessing I took a wrong step and that it is asking me to log into a Pavlovia admin gitlab account. How do I clone my fork properly so that it asks for my password?

Hi There,

I think you want to fork or download rather than clone - this guide might be helpful there.

Hope this helps!

Hi Becca, thank you for your reply!

I actually figured out a solution that allows me to still clone. All I needed to do was use the URL of the gitlab page rather than the .git snippit provided on the page. For example, git clone worked for me.

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great! pleased you found a solution