Show Half the Images in a folder

Hi psycopy users!

So, Im building an experiment of emotional recognition and in said experiment I have a folder from where my images are picked randomly. Everything is working but now I encountered a problem, I want my experiment to only pick half ot the images in the folder so that the participantes can have a break and the return to the task and the other half is shown.
The only solution I can think of is creating a separate folder with half the images and do repeat the process that I had initially with this folder but this seems like dumb solution but I cant think of a better one, probably because Im new to psycopy and dont know all Its tools yet.

Hope I explained everything well and that someone can help me.

Here’s a simple solution.

If you have the same participant number you should see the same random letters split into two halve.

Here’s my code

and my loop

Im sorry, I think I didnt explain myself very well, the break in between images that I mentioned is like a 2minute break so that the participant doesnt get bored, this experiment is done in one sitting, from what I understand, in you solution Its like the participant can pick the the experiment in a different day, maybe I’m wrong.

In that case it’s even easier. Just put a break routine in your loop and open Routine Settings.

Skip if trials.thisN != 13 (replace with half your loop)

In my conditions Excell, I have 192 images, so I just need to add a break to the loop and add trials.thisN ≠ 96?

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