Setting up randomization between participants


I am trying to set up my experiment so that a participant randomly gets assigned to one of four groups. The order of the stimuli is different for each group so i have different excel files for each group. I have set up the outer loop to go to an excel sheet to randomly select a group (conditions) sheet but the problem i am running into is that it is going through all 4 groups and i only want it to show one excel file per participant (not all 4 in a random order). I have it set to repeat once but i am still running into the problem where it is going through all 4 condition excel files. Is it because my outer loop is not set up correctly? This experiment needs to be uploaded to pavlova as well. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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I am not quite sure that I have understood the way you have set up the randomisation. If I interpreted it correctly, you could use the Selected rows option. Setting it to 1 would select the first row of your Excel file.

Best wishes, jens

The simplest modification based on what you’ve done so far would be to add a code component to one of your routines inside the condition_files loop and add the code condition_files.finished=True so that the loop only runs once instead of once per condition.

This should randomly select a group, which means that your group sizes won’t be equal. For that you need counterbalancing (either with a counterbalance routine or the VESPR Study Portal or Participant IDs for Pavlovia). I would currently recommend waiting until the 2024.2.0 release before using the counterbalance routine for 4 groups online. I’ve had and seen some issues with it.