OS : Macbook using the psychopy builder, will be put online with pavlovia.
What are you trying to achieve?: I have four sets of stimuli, and I would like them to be presented randomly for each participant, e.g. participant 1 sees, instructions, stim set 1, instructions stim set 2, insutrction, stim set 3, instructions and then stim set 4, participant 2 sees stim set 2,3,4,1, with instructions inbetween etc. I’m not quite sure how to do this. I know how to randomize ALL stimuli in an excel sheet, this is not what I’m trying to achieve.
Any suggestions would be helpful. Do I put all 4 stimuli sets (pngs) in the same excel sheet and somehow tell psychopy to randomly select 0:9 and then do 24:32, then 9:16… or do I put each set in a separate excel sheet and somehow tell psychopy to randomly select one of the excel sheets after each set of instructions?
Thanks for you help!