Randomizing answer choices within trial


I am working on a paradigm where participants will need to match 2 out of 4 answers to a target figure. The target figure is shown at the top, and there are 4 answer choices at the bottom. I am wondering if it is possible to randomize the order of the answer choices, since this will be a repeated experiment. I understand how to randomize the order of questions (randomization within trials), but I am stuck on randomizing the answer choices that come with each question. The questions/stimuli are pulled from an excel file which lists the images like this:

Top Row of Excel: |imgTop|imgA|imgB|imgC|imgD|

This is my first time working with Psychopy, so I am not sure where to go from here. Would I have to code this function instead of using Builder?

Hello ashin

You could create four x-y positions in a code component, shuffle them at each iteration, and assign them to the four response images one at a time.

Best wishes Jens


I usually use this method for mouse responses because then the correct answer is always the same object.

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I would have to use the keyboard option for this task, or more specifically, we will be using a hand device that records answers as 1,2,3,4. It is specific for the fMRI scanner, since we’re trying to compare the computerized task to a fMRI protocol.