I am creating an experiment with 4 different tasks:
-mental rotation task: 1 practice block of 10 trials and 2 test blocks of 48 trials
-paired word task: 1 practice block of 5 trials and 3 test blocks of 10 trials
-Ravens Matrices: 5 blocks of 12 trials
-object memory task: 1 practice block of 5 trials and 3 test blocks of 10 trials
I have one outerloop to control the presentation of the tasks
I created each of these experiments in separate .psy files. Then I combined them into one large experiment file. Since combining the randomization without repeating has not been working for 3 of the 4 tasks I need it to work on.
Here is the flow for the mental rotation task
I am only having problem with the test block. Here are the inner loop properties
Here is the MRT task loop properties:
Here are the properties of the test block:
Here are the properties for the test presentation loop:
My other tasks are formatted similarly with the same properties for the loops. I can upload screenshots of those tasks too if it will be helpful. Here are two pictures of the full experiment flow: