Hi there
I’m pretty new to Psychopy and try to edit an existing experiment from a coworker. I think my question is pretty common, but unfortunately I did not reach to find an answer in the existing topics.
OS: Caralina 10.15.7
PsychoPy version : 2021.1.2
Standard Standalone?: yes
What are you trying to achieve?:
People will see a list of words twice (= 2 conditions). They shall rate them once if the words trigger fear(ANGST) and once if they trigger joy(FREUDE). I would like to randomize the order for fear and joy for each participant.
The inner loop “trialA” resp. “trialsB” works properly (presenting word list). They are the same, actually just the instruction is different.
What did you try to make it work?:
I put a loop around the the instruction and the trial for each condition ( = blockANGST and blockFREUDE). The loops are set to “loopType = sequential” and “nReps = 1”.
Then I put a loop around both blocks (= randomizeBlocks). This loop is set to “loopType = random” and “nReps =1”.
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:
The experiment works, but participants always see the block “fear/ANGST” first. When i start the experiment, the block “joy/FREUDE” appears never as first block.