I am trying to modify Tutorial 2 to use the QuestHandler to staircase the distance between two objects, moving them further away from the centre with correct guesses and vice versa.
I think the relevant piece of the code looks like this
staircase = data.QuestHandler(10, startValSd=9,
pThreshold=0.63, gamma=0.5,
nTrials=50, minVal=0, maxVal=25)
I have set the start to be 10 and the min/max to be 0/25, but the staircase quickly reduces the step-distance even if every single answer is correct or wrong. In the present example. It will not walk above/below 7.5/12.5
My intuition is that it has something to do with the startValSd, but I have not achieved anything useful thus far by manipulating it.
I hope some of you can help me on.