If this template helps then use it. If not then just delete and start from scratch.
OS (e.g. Win10): Catalina (Mac)
PsychoPy version 2020.1.3
Standard Standalone? (y/n) If not then what?: Standalone
What are you trying to achieve?: recording using microphone
What did you try to make it work?:
from psychopy import microphone, sound
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:
ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down
Exception ignored in: <bound method TextStim.del of <psychopy.visual.text.TextStim object at 0x1215fa320>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/PsychoPy3.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/psychopy/visual/text.py”, line 239, in del
File “/Applications/PsychoPy3.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/pyglet/gl/lib.py”, line 97, in errcheck
ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down
Experiment ended.