PsychoPy Online Demos

I’ve decided that this thread is a good place to keep links to my Pavlovia resources as well as my demos.

PsychoPy Primer slides

Introductory Google slides using PsychoPy version 1.90.3

PsychoPy Python to JavaScript Crib Sheet 2021 | 2020 | discussion thread

Extensive tips and notes on how to make the most of Auto translate code components in PsychoPy.

Code Component Snippets link | discussion thread

Examples of Python / JavaScript code based solutions.

Form to HTML for Pavlovia link | discussion thread

Convert csv files created for the PsychoPy form component into html suitable for embedding.

Participant IDs for Pavlovia link | discussion thread

Assign consecutive participant numbers to your participants by recruiting using a link to this page instead of directly to your experiment. Values for id, session and researcher can be passed through unchanged, or consecutive values for session can be generated if you send a value for participant. No data is stored about participants other than the experiment folder, the time and, if applicable, the incoming participant id.

VESPR Study Portal link | discussion thread

Allows researchers to host study information, assign consecutive participant numbers, allocate evenly to groups (compensating for non-finishers) and anonymously withdraw consent or submit their email (e.g. for entry into a prize draw).

Anonymous Participant IDs link

This tool calculates a code from the participant’s email address and emails it to them. Ideal for anonymous test-retest. The code cannot be converted back into the original email address. It is possible, but highly unlikely within any given study, for two email addresses to convert to the same code.

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