Psychopy 2020.2.3 on imac catalina 10.15.6 have some internet related issue?

hello i have some problem in my imac

i’m using coder, and my imac(catalina 10.15.6) hate python language i just import some module or function. this guy response

[new window subject : psychopy encountered an unhandled internet error! Please blablabla]
[Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Users/honglijeong/Desktop/”, line 2518, in runFile
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘addTask’]

click the run button after soon got this message
another version, PATH settings, brewmaster installs were not solve the problem.

sombody help me… T.T

Ah, I think I see what’s causing the error. When you close Runner, it sets the value of to None for the Coder - but when you click Run in the Coder it still tries to send the file to Runner. It’s a simple fix, just need to tell it to open a new Coder window if there is none, so I’ll push that out for the next release.

In the meantime, just make sure you have Runner open before clicking Run and it should work fine! You can open a Runner window via the Window menu.

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thank you!
you sweep my problem